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Family of David^8 Van Wicklin

[Photo is definitely of Catherine [McKay] Van Wicklin [standing] and most likely, her husband, David who was about 14 years her senior. A note attached to the photo suggested that the man standing might be Abram, who would be Catherine's uncle...however, he would be 24 years older than Catherine...making it most likely that the man standing is her husband. The sitting women bears a resemblance to Catherine and may be a sister. See source section under 30 Oct 2009 email from Dan Earl]

David^8 Van Wicklin (David^7, Abram^6, Garret^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt. 1854, Ont., CAN

Married: Catherine "Kate" McKay (b. 1868) abt 1888

1. Cecil^9 Van Wicklin, b. 7 September 1888, Ont. CAN

2. Jennie^9 Van Wicklin, b. 17 September 1889, Ont. CAN

David's parents are David and Christiana (Van Slyke) Van Wicklin
Catherine's parents are Murdoch and Ann J. "Annie" [Coughlin] McKay.

Background information:

David^8 Van Wicklin (David^7, Abram^6, Garret^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt. 1854, Ont., CAN He married Catherine McKay, b. 6 December 1868.  Catherine remarried in 1905 to George Henry Parnell, s/o John and Sarah [Dinner] Parnell.

Children: Cecil^9 Van Wicklin, b. 7 September 1888, Ont. CAN and died 14 August 1916, St. Thomas, Ontario at age 29 of Tuberculosis; Jennie^9 Van Wicklin, b. 17 September 1889, Ont. CAN

[Picture is of Cecil Van Wicklin in his late teens and therefore dates to about 1905, courtesy of Dan Earle via 31 Jan 2011 email. Dan is the grandson of Cecil's sister, Jennie. Dan recalls from his father and his grandmother, Jennie, that Cecil was quite tall, well over 6 feet and perhaps as tall as 6 feet 5 inches.]


IGI; www.familysearch.com

1871 and 1901 Ontario census

1891 Ontario Census lists David Vanwicklin, male, age 36, and his wife, Catherine, female, 23, and children, Cecil, male, age 3, and Jennie, female, age 1. courtesy of Esther Van Wicklin via 13 Jan 2011 email

1901 Census (Georgi Sills email of 28 July 2002) shows Catherine (McKay) Van Wicklin (head), widow, b. 6 December 1868 (age 33); Cecil Van Wicklin (son) b. 7 September 1888 (age 13), Jennie Van Wicklin (daughter), b. 17 September 1890 (age 11); Annie J. McKay (mother and widow) b. 12 Jan 1838 (age 62); Edna McKay (sister, single), b. 20 March 1877 (age 24) and Marie McKay (sister, single) b. 5 october 1879 (age 21)

1905 County of Elgin Marriages lists Kate Vanwicklin, 36 [b. Elgin, Ont., CAN], widow, of St. Thomas, Elgin, Ont, CAN married to Geo. Henry Parnell, 34 [b. Devonshire], of St. Thomas. Her parents are Murdock and Ann [Coughlin] McKay and his parents are John and Sarah [Dinner] Parnell.

1910 US Census for 22th Ward, Detroit, Wayne, MI lists Jennie Van Wicklin, 32, single, b. CAN (Can, Can) in household of her cousin, Edna McKay, 27, single. Another cousin, Mary McDonald, 30, M-at age 21, Waitress, is also in this household.

Surrogate court records File #1088, Elgin County Library Film #1384 (for death date and residence of David Van Wicklin (received from Judy Houston by email, 18 July 2000)

Death Certificates: Information provided in 20 February 2002 email by Marg Trottman Graham) and Archives of Toronto Research 26 June 2002
R#4310 David W. Van Wicklin 25 April 1894 St. Thomas
R#19855 Abraham Van Wicklin 29 December 1899 St. Thomas
R#32763 Christine Van Wicklin 10 January 1903 Malahide
R#9822 Caroline Van Wicklin 20 November 1908 Malahide
R#13483 Cecil Van Wicklin, 29 years, d. 14 August 1916 St. Thomas, Ontario of Tuberculosis

30 October 2009 email from Dan Earle "Picture of Catherine [McKay] Van Wicklin and Abraham or David Van Wicklin plus two unidentified people. The woman sitting looks enough like Catherine to be her sister. A note attached to the picture in my mother's handwriting states that my father thought that the couple standing were Catherine and Abraham Van Wicklin. That doesn't seem right as Jennie's father was David.

28 January 2013 email from Dan Earle, grandson of Jennie Van Wicklin and William H. Earle provides documentation in the form of a statutory declaration that Jennie Earle was born the 17th day of September, 1889.